Wednesday, March 28, 2012

victoria - new braunfels high school senior {new braunfels, tx photographer}

Victoria is such a beautiful and sweet girl that seems to really have her head on her shoulders!!!  She is so excited about going to UT next year, that she wanted her pictures with actual Longhorns!  To our delight, we were also able to use an awesome vintage Texas Longhorn truck at the photo shoot!!!  We had too much fun!  Enjoy...


So wonderful meeting you, your sisters, and your sweet Mom!!!!

my bunny boys {personal}

You'd think as a photographer, that I'd have 5 billion pictures of my own kids.  While I do take lots of pictures of them, I often don't allot myself enough time for them during special little mini-sessions, like the bunnies!  Crazy!  I've done bunnies for 3 years, but my kids have never had their own session.  So, this year, I made sure to dedicate at least 20 minutes for them...well, the 2 little ones, at least!  I'm so glad we took the time!!!  Enjoy...

I'm in LOVE with Brogan's facial expressions in the next three pictures.  Pure JOY!...

Tiny Granger!  He loved the bunnies!!!  He wanted to grab them by the ears, though!  Yikes!!!!  And of course, his tongue was sticking out in at least half of the pictures!!!  Silly boy!...

This one makes him look like a baby-monster, about to attack the poor bunny!...

And his best move...the tongue AND the point!...

Love them!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

introducing isaiah {kyle, texas newborn photographer}

What a sweet little bundle I got to spend the afternoon with!!!  He just slept and slept!!!  His big sister was absolutely adorable and so sweet!!!!  Ahhhhhhh....enjoy!

Thanks again!!!!